Monday, February 20, 2012

It is probably fair to say that, in these interesting times in which we live, every element of society is currently feeling a profound sense of dissatisfaction.

The elderly despise youth for their laxity and erosion of standards, whilst the youth deride the more mature for their resistance to change.

The rich, smug in their castles loathe the poor for their envy and anger, whilst those without the trappings of 21st century success strive for a perceived fairness which would see a more equitable redistribution of assets.

Big business chases bonuses and profits with unquenchable fervour, whilst the environmental lobby urges that corporate social responsibility override fiscal concerns at all times.

Nothing new there - these polar opposites have an always will oppose. They are a product of humanity, a most flawed model.

But one senses that perhaps this dissatisfaction is reaching a hitherto unseen level. It is global rather than localised. And it may be approaching a tipping point. Something's got to give, because we are currently hurtling down a highway to hell with no brakes or steering wheels.

The root cause of the problem's persistence, and wherein it's solution lies, can be clearly seen in our leaders.

They are a sorry lot the world over, bickering and squabbling like a group of headless chickens fighting over the scant remaining grain. Theirs not to reason why, theirs but to garner votes and lie.

Reelection is all they care about, and in their desperate rush to please all of the people all of the time, in fact they please very few beyond themselves. Those who do show strong leadership, who follow policy throughout, are denounced as dictators, castigated as corrupt and then overthrown as the covert CIA insurgents weave their dark magic.

Lord Acton said that power corrupts,in fact, it corrodes. Morality, conviction, accountability and honour melt like ice on a warm day.

What compounds this parlous state of affairs is that the spavined idiots currently masquerading as world leaders genuinely think that at least a percentage of their respective electorate views them with something other than utter disdain.

And it is time to pierce this crust of self belief and send a very clear and very strong message that it simply won't do. It is time to take a stand.

We must follow the lesson of the great Monty Brewster, centrepiece of the classic Richard Prior movie Brewsters Millions, and vote for None of the Above!

Because none of the above can't be any worse than any of the self serving, pompous yet clueless current selection. It's not as if we would be losing any leadership or direction.

It's quite simple really - just adding a None of the Above option to all ballot papers.

Can you imagine the look on Dave's face as the returning officer for Jollytoffshire West stood and declared that the winner is None of the Above? It would rock his world to it's very foundation, and the people would have spoken. Loudly and clearly. Even he might hear.

Such are the faults with the way we live now that adaptation is unlikely to cure them. We need change on a wholesale level, fundamental change. It is not to hard to extrapolate the current levels of dissatisfaction to social unrest of a kind not seen for hundreds of years in the West. Voting None of the Above might just be a palatable alternative to that. It's certainly worth a try.

It carries none of the cowardice or disinterest of abstaining. It is a vote, albeit a negative one, but it is at least a statement - we vote for none of you - a voicing of no confidence on a massive scale. And it has the joy of uniting all of the people. It is a bloodless revolution.

It might be fun; and what have we got to lose?

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