Sunday, July 17, 2011

The world of the news

The outpouring of gleeful vitriol towards Rupert Murdoch, Rebekah Brooks etc al over the NOTW scandal is little more than an expression of relief and distancing born of the "there but for the grace of God go I" principle.

For years other media have survived by reporting on stories broken by the Murdoch empire. Without these they would have foundered.

Faced with such an accusation, self apppinted apologists would doubtless point out that it was not they who tapped phones. True - that's why they were scooped, time and time again. Since time immemorial, reporters have striven to out-scoop each other. Their rodentic methodologies have driven them to the gutter.

On this occasion, the NOTW simply came up with a better way, by moving with the times and embracing technology.

Rest assured, had they the courage or the daring, other papers would have employed similar tactics. We expect nothing more from them.

What is sad is the others who have been tainted. At least Met Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephens has had the decency to resign, albeit on full pension.

Whether the rather forlorn figure of David Cameron follows him remains to be seen. I somehow doubt it. If nothing else, this affair has confirmed our long held suspicion that Dave is nothing more than Blair wearing blue eyeshadow. For him principles are no more than state school headmasters.

It underlines the suspicion that putting little boys, or girls for that matter, in charge, is not a good play. Thousands of years, and millions of lives have helped put the great into Britain, but now a gang of political adolescents hell bent on leaving a legacy are destroying a once great institution - much like the bonus eager bankers have anihilated what was the global flagship of the financial sector.

To err is human, but if in public office, it is not acceptable.

There is another, lurking irony in this story. Twice in the last century, the USA lent a hand when Britain was flagging. It may be that federal charges in America are what finally topple Murdoch, who's inevitable mea culpa may is fact entirely accurate.

Leaders must take responsibility. Stephens has, Murdich will, and Cameron should.

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